Wednesday, April 18, 2012

My First Time Blogging

Today I decided to start a blog.  I'm not sure how it will be and go, but it's a start for me to share my life with AIDS.  I feel like I need to advocate more for myself as well as others and sharing my experience in a blog is a good beginning.  Hopefully, I'll get in a habit of posting regularly.  More soon. 


  1. Congrats on doing this! I hope more people, like you, take a step with such bold courage to share their lives and experiences openly through blogs! Big hugs and much love Mitch!

  2. This is a great start, your story will create a dominoe effect! Each time another PLWHA tells their story, you will inspire others. So proud of you. You have come so far in such a short period of time. I am so happy to have met you at the NAPWA conference. Stay positive ;)

    Big Hug!

  3. Looking forward to reading all you have to share with us. xoxo

  4. I'm having doubts about blogging. Maybe I'm just having a bad week.

  5. I've had a hard time keeping up on a blog. I think a big part of it is because I put too much pressure on myself to post & beat myself up when I don't. So don't do that! Try to have fun with it, don't make it a job.
